Portrait Print Rates


Economy Prints Gallery Series Custom Prints
Each ½ Dozen
Wallet N/A $25
4x5 $12 $75
5x7 $20 $95
8x10 $35 $175 8X10 $45
11x14 $65 N/A 11X14 $95
12x18 $85 N/A 16X20 $225
16x20 $150 N/A 20X24 $350
20x24 $275 N/A 24X30 $675
24x30 $425 N/A
30x40 $650 N/A
Note: There are currently NO sitting fees in effect at THIS studio, for details see Portrait Commissions

Both digital and conventional retouching to correct the following problems are available, they however are NOT included in the basic service fee.

Removal of:

Acne, eyeglass glare, closed eyes, dental braces and scars      $50 per hour

Minor facial lines or circles under eyes      $25 per head

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